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Scientific Name: Rhododendron simsii

Popular Name: Azalea

Size: From 1 to 2m in height.

Life Cycle: Perennial.

Flowers: Flowers of different colors, white, red, pink, simple or folded. They arise in autumn-winter.

Lighting: Vases can be arranged outdoors as well as indoors, as long as drafts are avoided. For a good development, it is necessary that the Azalea stays at least 4 hours in direct sunlight, but prefer the morning or evening sun.

Watering: The substrate or the soil of the pot must be kept moist, but not soaked. Water so that it is evenly moist, without wetting the leaves. Try not to leave water accumulated in the dish.

Substrate: Azaleas prefer acidic and fertile soils.

Fertilization: It is recommended to use NPK4-14-8. Once a month.

Pruning: Can only be done after the flowering period. After flowering, pruning is a good measure to stimulate the emergence of new shoots and ensure a very exuberant next bloom. Take the opportunity to do a good cleaning on the plant, removing the withered flowers and yellow leaves. As soon as the azaleas have finished flowering, remove the excess branches and cut off the tips of the other branches, until you get the shape and size you want. To increase the next flowering, remove the tips of all the branches that bloomed this year.

Propagation or Replanting Method: Its multiplication is by branch cuttings or seed propagation: The seed capsules must be collected after the fruit falls (they have a brownish color). They must be stored dry to open. If you want to store for a longer period, you must lower the temperature of the storage location to 14ºC. The seeds germinate satisfactorily on sphagnum or vermiculite substrate over a mixture of sand. Sowing should be done in the usual way, maintaining good light during the seed germination process. The ideal temperature for germination is 21ºC during the day, and 13ºC during the night. Germination usually occurs within 30 days.


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