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Day: 5 May 2020

Services & Functions

Many services in local markets The international organization FOOD FOR WORLD assumes an intermediary role in purchasing and sales on behalf of the parent company and its partners.
In addition, FOOD FOR WORLD is responsible for coordinating distribution in their markets where they operate.
In this context, FOOD FOR WORLD coordinates comprehensive functions such as credit negotiation, payment term, export insurance, efficient logistics, local storage facilities and timely deliveries to the consumer sector concerned.

For direct import quotations: foodforworldbr@gmail.com



Site: www.foodforworld.com
Whatsapp & Tel: +55 (0)11 9 4218 4906
Email: info@foodforworld.com
Skype: japbra
Gm: J. A. DePaula


For all general questions about FOOD FOR WORLD.
E-mail: info@foodforworld.

For all questions about import and export sales possibilities.
E-mail: import@foodforworld.com

For all logistical matters and questions.
E-mail: logistic@foodforworld.com

If you have products to offer.
E-mail: purchase@ foodforworld.com

For all questions concerning invoices and payments.
E-mail: accounting@foodforworld.com

Who we are and What we do

We sell high quality foods and derivatives in our business worldwide for last 31 years.
We also collaborate closely with the distributors and consumers of our foods worldwide, to serve our customers in the most reliable way.

We provide foods and derivatives considering crops worldwide from any countries.

Foods and Derivatives business of Food for Worldwide, our aim is to strengthen our position in selected markets worldwide.

With a highly motivated and professional team, we are close to our customers in agriculture and others. Our backward and forward integration result in supply security as well as high product and service standards.

*Americas, Europa, Africa, Asia, Oceania e Antartida  

For direct import quotations: contact@foodforworld.com

International Marketing

In its international business, Food for Worldwide acts as a linchpin between the consuming industry and producers of foods and derivatives, foods and raw materials, drinks and others. Food for Worldwide assumes the expense and risk involved for producers in maintaining a presence of their own abroad and, with hundreds of contacts in Américas, Europa, África, Ásia, Oceania, secures access to the world’s key markets.

For direct import quotations: contact@foodforworld.com

The Company

Food for World has a global network of buyers and manufacturers in the food market.
Our core values are long-term partnerships and constantly looking for customer-specific solutions.

FOOD FOR WORLD is a leading marketing, exporter, wholesaler and trading company based in São Paulo, Brazil. With our wide range of products we supply, and broker, we are confident that we can become your one-stop shop for all your needs. Why not take advantage of our more competitive product prices and allow us to provide you with some financial advantage over your competitors in your local market. Excellence in product quality and fast delivery has been part of our success story, FOOD FOR WORLD aspires to set standards of excellence and has now become a global leader as an INTERNATIONAL SALES AGENT in the Agribusiness segment operating on seven continents – Africa , Antarctica, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America and South America.

For direct import quotations: contact@foodforworld.com

General Sales Conditions

1.Purpose of application our agreements are governed solely by the terms and conditions set forth in our sales confirmations and the following general sales conditions. For this reason, we explicitly reject the divergent or conflicting terms of Purchase of our Buyer, unless otherwise explicitly agreed in writing by both parties.
2. Offer and Acceptance Our offers are non-binding. Orders from our Buyer shall not be binding on us until the earlier of our sales confirmation or our delivery.
3. Prices and Payment
3.1. The purchase price is payable without any deduction by the due date.
3.2. In the event of late payment, Buyer will pay interest from the due date for final payment receipt at a rate of 9 percentage points above the base interest rate announced by Deutsche Bundesbank if the amount is invoiced in euros or, if invoiced in Dolares, at a rate of 9 percentage points above the United States Central Bank’s discount rate at the time of payment.

3.3. In the event of doubt as to Buyer’s ability to pay and, in particular, if payment defaults have already occurred, we shall be entitled – without prejudice to other rights – to revoke any credit terms granted and to require advance payment or sufficient collateral.
3.4. Compensation or retention with counterclaims other than those that are not contested by us or confirmed by final court decision will be excluded.
3.5. Regardless of the place of delivery of goods or documents, the place of payment will be our designated bank or place of business, the seller’s bank if RYMAX GLOBAL is an agent of sale.

4.1. Delivery shall be effected as agreed in the contract. General Commercial Terms shall be interpreted in accordance with the Incoterms in force on the date the contract is concluded.
4.2. In the event of
delay in delivery by us, or by the seller, in the event of sale arrangement, Buyer shall be required to grant a reasonable grace period.
5. Product Quality
5.1. Unless explicitly agreed in writing, product quality is determined solely by the specifications of our products, or third parties at the time of sale.
5.2. Identified uses under the European Foods Regulation or FDA from USA, relevant for the goods shall neither represent an agreement on the corresponding contractual quality of the goods nor the designated use under this contract.

5.3. Product and sample properties are binding to the extent that they are agreed in writing to define product quality.
5.4. Quality and shelf life data, as well as other additional data, will constitute a guarantee only if explicitly agreed and designated as such in writing by regulatory agencies.6. Suggestion
6.1. Any suggestion rendered by us is given to the best of our knowledge. Any advice and information with respect to suitability and use of the goods shall not relieve the Buyer from analysing and testing the goods in your processes.
6.2. Technical and chemical specifications are no warranty or guarantee for a combination or application of the goods in yours processes.
7. Retention of ownership

7.1. Simple retention of ownership: Ownership of the delivered goods will not be passed on to the buyer until the purchase value has been paid in full.
7.2. Right of access and disclosure: Upon our request, Buyer will provide all necessary information and information about the products we provide and / or will identify our brand and title of the goods in their packaging.

4.2. In the event of delay in delivery by us, or by the seller, in the event of sale arrangement, Buyer shall be required to grant a reasonable grace period.
5. Product Quality
5.1. Unless explicitly agreed in writing, product quality is determined solely by the specifications of our products, or third parties at the time of sale.
5.2. Identified uses under the European Foods Regulation or FDA from USA, relevant for the goods shall neither represent an agreement on the corresponding contractual quality of the goods nor the designated use under this contract.

5.3. Product and sample properties are binding to the extent that they are agreed in writing to define product quality.
5.4. Quality and shelf life data, as well as other additional data, will constitute a guarantee only if explicitly agreed and designated as such in writing by regulatory agencies.
6. Suggestion
6.1. Any suggestion rendered by us is given to the best of our knowledge. Any advice and information with respect to suitability and use of the goods shall not relieve the Buyer from analysing and testing the goods in your processes.
6.2. Technical and chemical specifications are no warranty or guarantee for a combination or application of the goods in yours processes.
7. Retention of ownership

7.1. Simple retention of ownership: Ownership of the delivered goods will not be passed on to the buyer until the purchase value has been paid in full.
7.2. Right of access and disclosure: Upon our request, Buyer will provide all necessary information and information about the products we provide and / or will identify our brand and title of the goods in their packaging.
7.3. Late Payment: In the event of late payment by Buyer, we shall have the right – without terminating the sales contract and without granting a courtesy period of time – to demand the temporary delivery of goods owned by us at Buyer’s expense until completion of payment.
7.4. Partial waiver clause: should the value of the securities exceed our claims by more than 15%, we will waive securities of our choice to this extent.
7.5. Retention of Ownership
7.5.1. Retention of Ownership: If Buyer has paid the purchase price for the delivered goods but has not yet fully met any other debt arising out of his business relationship with us, we will retain possession of the delivered goods until all outstanding debts have been fully paid.
7.5.2. Retention of Ownership with Processing Clause: If Buyer processes the goods delivered by us, we will be considered manufacturers and directly acquire exclusive ownership of the newly produced goods. If processing involves other materials, we will directly purchase the joint title of the newly produced goods in proportion to the invoice value of the goods delivered by us to the invoice value of the other materials.
7.5.3. Retention of ownership with combination and mixing clause: If the goods delivered by us are combined or mixed with material owned by Buyer and such material has to be considered as the primary material, it is agreed that Buyer will transfer to us the joint title thereof. Main material in proportion to the invoice value of the goods delivered by us to the invoice value (or, if the invoice value cannot be determined, to the market value) of the main material. Buyer will keep in custody for us any sole or joint property originating therein, at no expense to us.
7.5.4. Extended retention of title with blanket assignment: in the ordinary course of business, the Buyer shall have free disposal of the goods owned by us, provided the Buyer meets his obligations under the business relationship with us in due time. When concluding the sales agreement with us, the Buyer already assigns to us all claims in connection with the sale of goods to which we reserve the right of retention of title; should we have acquired joint title in case of processing, combination or blending, such assignment to us shall take place in the proportion of the value of the goods delivered by us with retention of title to the value of the goods sold by the Buyer. The Buyer already assigns to us any future confirmed balance claims under 3/4 current account agreements in the amount of our claims outstanding when concluding the sales agreement with us.
7.5.5. Right of access and disclosure: furthermore, at our request, the Buyer shall provide all the necessary information on the claims assigned to us and/or shall notify his customers of the assignment of the claims to us.
8. Defects
8.1. The Buyer is required to inspect goods promptly after delivery and to give notice in writing of any defect, false delivery or deviation in quantity immediately but not later than one week after delivery. Delivered goods are deemed accepted if no written complaint is made. Defects that could not be discovered during inspection after delivery must be notified in writing immediately but no later than one week after discovery.
8.2. In the case of timely and justified complaints, the warranty claims of the Customer are initially limited at our discretion to the delivery of non-defective goods or to remedying the defect.
8.3. If our supplementary performance according to Sec. 8.2 fails, the Buyer may reduce the purchase price or withdraw from the purchase contract at his discretion. Claims for damages under Sec. 9 shall remain unaffected.
8.4. The filing of a complaint or any other claim does not release the Buyer from his obligation of payment.
8.5. We do not warrant or guarantee that the product is free from patents or other intellectual property rights of third parties.
8.6. The Buyer’s claims for defective goods become time-barred one year after receipt of our products, notwithstanding any statutory provisions for a longer limitation period.
9. Liability
We shall be generally liable for damages in accordance with the law and according to the following rules:
(i) In the event of a simple negligent violation of fundamental contractual obligations, however, our liability shall be limited to compensation for typical, foreseeable losses.
(ii) In the event of a simple negligent violation of nonfundamental contractual obligations, we shall not be liable.
(iii) The foregoing limitations on liability do not apply to damage to life, body or health.
10. Force Majeure To the extent that any incident or circumstance beyond our control (including natural occurrences, war, strikes, lock-outs, shortages of raw materials and energy, obstruction of transportation, breakdown of manufacturing equipment, fire, explosion, acts of government) reduces the availability of goods from the plant from which we receive the goods, meaning that we cannot fulfil our obligations under this contract (taking account of other supply obligations on a pro-rata basis), we shall
(i) be relieved from our obligations under this contract to the extent we are prevented from performing such obligations and
(ii) have no obligation to procure goods from other sources. The first sentence also applies to the extent that such incident or circumstance renders contractual performance commercially useless for us over a long period or occurs with our suppliers. If the aforementioned occurrences last for a period of more than 3 months, we shall be entitled to rescind the contract without the Buyer having any right to compensation.

For direct import quotations: contact@fooforworldwide.com

General Purchase Conditions

1.General application

1.Our General Purchase Conditions apply exclusively to all contracts regarding the supply of goods between the Supplier and us, FOOD FOR WORLDWIDE or our customer.
1.2.We FOOD FOR WORLD do not recognize any terms and conditions of the Supplier, principally its general sales conditions deviating from or conflicting with our General Purchase Conditions, unless we have explicitly agreed to their validity in writing or in text
1.3.Our terms and conditions shall also apply if we unconditionally accept the Supplier’s delivery being aware of conflicting or deviating terms and conditions of the Supplier.
1.4.All agreements made between us, FOOD FOR WORLD, and the Supplier in performance of the delivery of goods by the Supplier shall be set down in writing or in text form.

2.1.Without our consent, in writing, the Supplier may not, in whole or in part,assign any claims to third parties.
3.Delivery Date, Delivery and Product Labelling
3.1.The delivery date stated in the order is binding on the contract conform descript at L/C.

3.2.Supplier is required to inform us in writing or text if circumstances occur, showing that the delivery time stipulated in the contract cannot be met.
3.3. In case of late delivery, we will be entitled to the contractual clauses available in the contract. We will be entitled to damages and termination after an unfulfilled due date.
3.4.Unless otherwise explicitly agreed in writing, delivery shall be made in accordance with the Incoterms specified in our order.The Incoterms in their latest version shall apply.

In the import goods documents, the shipping documents must state whether the goods are with or without tax.
3.6.Our acceptance or payment of late delivery does not constitute any waiver of our claims for compensation regarding such late delivery.
4.Quality assurance – inspection should be done during contract execution
4.1.Supplier shall implement and maintain an effective quality assurance system and provide evidence of your supply.

4.2. We FOOD FOR WORLD have the right to supervise the aforementioned quality assurance system and appropriate performance under contract with the Supplier by ourselves or by third parties authorized by us. Our contractual and statutory rights will not be affected by these examinations.
5.Quality of the goods–inspection and determination for correct specification contracted
5.1.We will inspect the goods within a reasonable time for any quality and quantity deviations and give notice to the Supplier of any deviations; the complaint is timely if received by the Supplier within a period of two weeks from receipt of goods or, in the case of hidden defects, from the time of their or discovery.

5.2.Our payment will not be considered if Supplier does not recognize all items that have been contracted.
5.3. We have the right, without reservation, to contractual warranty claims. Remaining the right to require the supplier to recover the defect or deliver a defect-free item. The right to claim damages is expressly reserved to Buyer.
5.4.We have the right to rectify the defect at Supplier’s expense if the Supplier fails to comply with the contract.

5.5.Warranty periods must be 24 months after receipt of the product, or if a longer contractual limitation period applies.
5.6.Supplier warrants that the goods supplied are true to the supplied samples or specifications and comply with contractual agreements and specifications agreed upon.
5.7. If specific quality criteria are established between the parties, the goods must be of applicable or marketable quality.

5.8.The Supplier guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of its delivery documents and the accompanying certificates and documents.
Regarding the goods, the Supplier ensures proper and complete control throughout the production process.

5.10. Upon request, Supplier will be required to immediately provide the necessary information (official complaints, customer complaints, etc.) about the goods or products supplied. Requests for further claims against the Supplier remain unchanged.
5.11. If the delivery product from the Supplier includes any new packaging material used and deployed by us, the Supplier warrants in particular that no adverse effect on the product occurs due to such new packaging material. In addition, the Supplier ensures the suitability of packaging aging for its actual application.

5.12. The Supplier shall carefully package, label and ship the goods to avoid damage during transportation and to ensure safety for the transhipment, unloading, storage and storage of a shipment of goods.
6.Product liability–indemnification–third-party liability insurance
6.1. If Supplier is liable for damage to products, it will be required to respond to us and to be responsive to our first third party claim, provided that the reason is within the scope of Supplier’s control and organization.
6.2 All insurance of the merchandise in question is at the buyer’s risk .

For direct import quotations: contact@foodforworld.com

Who we are and What we do

We sell high quality foods and derivatives in our business worldwide for last 31 years.
We also collaborate closely with the distributors and consumers of our foods worldwide, to serve our customers in the most reliable way.

We provide foods and derivatives considering crops worldwide from any countries.

Foods and Derivatives business of Food for Worldwide, our aim is to strengthen our position in selected markets worldwide.

With a highly motivated and professional team, we are close to our customers in agriculture and others. Our backward and forward integration result in supply security as well as high product and service standards.

* Americas, Europa, Africa, Asia, Oceania e Antartida  

For direct import quotations: contact@foodforworld.com

Operational Description

FOOD FOR WORLD is a leading marketing, exporter, wholesaler and trading company based in São Paulo, Brazil. With our wide range of products we supply, and broker, we are confident that we can become your one-stop shop for all your needs. Why not take advantage of our more competitive product prices and allow us to provide you with some financial advantage over your competitors in your local market. Excellence in product quality and fast delivery has been part of our success story, FOOD FOR WORLD aspires to set standards of excellence and has now become a global leader as an INTERNATIONAL SALES AGENT in the Agribusiness segment operating on seven continents – Africa , Antarctica, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America and South America.


Food for World  products stimulate the productivity and quality of worldwide crops, providing a valuable collaboration to the development of agribusiness in worldwide. Food for World  offer numerous foods and ingredients for human nutrition undergo strict quality procedures and have excellent physical and dietary properties. The product line is complemented by personalized services, which facilitate direct importation by the buyer wprldwide.

Combining experience and innovation, Food for World offers products and services engaged with the growing demands of the market, which collaborate for excellence in crop fertilization worldwide.


Soil fertility can influence up to 60% the productivity of crops. Food for World has a portfolio of products to sustain crops, offering a wide variety of options for the growth and maintenance of the most varied crops. Please, visit our site for fertilizers www.rymaxglobal.com .


Food for World lines include performance products such as: milk and dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, sausages, offal, eggs and pulses, fruits and vegetables, starches, sugars, cereals, pasta, starchy foods, honey and breads, animal fats and vegetables, drinks, teas and others. We are seller mandate and agents for these commodities.

Contact: J.A. DePaula – CEO
Whatssapp: +55 11 94218-4906
Skype: japbra

For direct import quotations: contact@foodforworld.com